About Dogs Dogs as Pets Dog Groups Popular Breeds References



Dogs are companions to many and make the world a better place. They help us with tasks and their ancestors played a part in our evolution as a species. After all, domestic dogs are just a descendant of the wolf. Keep reading to explore the origins of dogs as pets, general dog information the different dog groups, and about the most popular breeds.

General Information

Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
Adults Sleep: 12 to 14 hours
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris.


Bitch: any female dog
Puppy: a dog less than a year old
Sire: the father of a litter
Dam: the mother of a litter
Litter: the puppies from one whelping
Whelping: a bitch giving birth
Whelps: puppies still dependening on their dam

Health Benefits

Dogs have shown to lower blood presure and uplift mood. Many dogs work as mental health support animals. Even untrained dogs will improve the general health of their owner by taking their human for walks and other forms of exercise.